Deployment Requirements
This page lists the hardware and software requirements for deploying a Synnax cluster.
Operating System
A Synnax node can run on Linux, macOS, Windows, or any containerized environment.
Nodes gossip with each other at regular intervals to share information about cluster state and health. They also communicate with each other to read and write data to the cluster. To support this, Synnax requires that every node can reach all other nodes in the cluster.
Node hardware requirements vary depending on the workload you are running. The following table provides bare minimum requirements for testing as well as a recommended minimum configuration for production.
Specification | Minimum | Recomendation |
CPU (# Cores) | 2 | 4 |
Memory per CPU (GB) | 2 | 4 |
Storage per CPU (GB) | 50 | 320 |
Storage Throughput (IOPS) | 100 | 500 |
Storage Throughput (MB/s) | 20 | 100 |