
Latest updates and improvements to Synnax.


Version 0.38

Jan 31, 2025

No Breaking Changes

Beta Calculated Channels

Synnax v0.38.0 is our first release of 2025, and contains a large number of new features including beta calculated channels, workspace importing, and more.

Beta Calculated Channels

Calculated channels are a new feature that allows for server-side calculations to be performed on channels in real-time. Calculated channels work by taking a Lua script that describes the calculation to be performed on the channel, including what channels the calculated channel takes data from.

Calculated channels are currently in beta, and you may run into stability issues and unexpected behavior while using them. If you run into any issues, please report it to the Synnax team.

Workspace Importing and Exporting

The Synnax Console now supports sharing workspaces via a directory configuration. Workspaces can be shared by importing and exporting workspaces into directories to be stored on your desktop.

Windows Server Installer

The Windows version of the cluster can now be installed by an installer. This means you only need to download a single installer file, and then run it to install the cluster. More information can be found on our cluster installation page.

Python CLI Command Deprecation

The previous synnax and synnaxkit CLI commands to access the Python client have been deprecated to avoid a name collision with the synnax CLI command for the cluster. To access the Python client, you should now use the sy command:

sy login


  • A refactored version of the NI Digital Write Task was made with a more intuitive UI.
  • Schematic snapshots can now be renamed from their tab name.
  • NI Analog Read Task table scaling now only allows CSV files to be passed in.
  • The Synnax Demo Cluster is now automatically available on the cluster toolbar selector when starting the Synnax Console.
  • Modals and the version info window are now no longer saved in workspaces.
  • Groups are now positioned above all other items within the resources toolbar.
  • Line plots render uint8 data faster.
  • Cmd + A can now be used to group all schematic elements.

Bug Fixes

  • A needless orientation selector was removed from the schematic switch and button components.
  • A bug where items in the resources toolbar would get duplicated is now fixed.
  • Multinode clusters now support key-value state forwarding.
  • Groups can now be grouped correctly within the resources toolbar.
  • Fixed an issue where the delete column option on the table cell context menu did not work.
  • Fixed an issue where the python client examples were not working.
  • Fixed an issue where deep linking was not working on Windows.

Version 0.37

Dec 31, 2024

No Breaking Changes

Goodbye 2024 - Touch Ups

Happy New Year!

Synnax v0.37.0 is our final release for 2024, and is focused on touching up many of the features our team has built over the past year.

More Schematic Symbols

We’ve added a number of new schematic symbols to the Synnax Console. These include flow meters, flame arresters, new valves, pumps, heat exchangers, strainers, and a thruster.

Minor Improvements

  • Cleaned up the look of the schematic set point component, and prevented NaN from being considered a valid input value.
  • Groups are now positioned above all other items within the resources toolbar, making it easier to navigate the tree.
  • Upgraded a number of dependencies to make the Synnax Python client compatible with Python 3.13.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed line plot annotations not displaying correctly when a title is also visible on a plot.
  • Made it impossible to configure an OPC UA read task when the sample rate is less than than the array size.
  • Fixed an issue where importing a schematic would mistakenly create a new window.
  • Removed needless orientation selectors from the schematic switch and button components.
  • Fixed an issue where modals would not clear correctly when switching between workspaces.
  • Blocked the user from selecting variable length data types when creating a non-virtual channel from within the Synnax Console.
  • Fixed issue where schematic snapshots could not be renamed from their tab name.
  • Fixed an issue where a deleted table would continue to render its values over an existing visualization.

Version 0.36

Dec 16, 2024

Breaking Changes

Line Plot Annotation Tool

Synnax v0.36.0 introduces several new quality of life improvements and bug fixes, including a new line plot annotation tool, schematic undo / redo, a new way to select the time of the range, and a refactored LabJack write task.

Line Plot Annotation Tool

A new annotation tool has been added to the line plot. This tool allows you to add horizontal lines to the plots to mark thresholds or other important values. This tool can be accessed by clicking the ‘Annotations’ tab in the line plot toolbar.

Schematic Undo / Redo

You can now undo and redo changes to a schematic. This feature is possible by using the Ctrl + Z and Ctrl + Shift + Z keyboard shortcuts on a schematic that you are editing.

New Range DateTime Selector

Synnax has a refactored way to select dates and times of ranges. This can be opened by selecting the calendar icon that appears to the right of the time on the create range modal. You can now quickly type a short phrase and have an AI will automatically suggest the appropriate date and time.

Breaking Changes

This release introduces a breaking change in the communication protocol that the server and console use to communicate. This change means that console versions 0.36.0 and newer will not work with server versions of 0.35.0 and older. To avoid issues, please ensure that your server and console are updated to the same version.

Other Improvements and Bug Fixes


  • Sort child ranges of a range by start time.
  • Add copy link to task toolbar context menu.
  • Add more attachment points to cylinder schematic symbol.
  • Add schematic and line plot import commands.

Bug Fixes:

  • Disable all form elements in task snapshot.
  • Fix transport protocol websocket implementation.
  • Add LabJack driver warning when all channels on a task are disabled.
  • Close version update notification when clicking snooze.
  • Remove unneeded label direction selector in off page reference schematic form.
  • Fix NI table scale construction error.
  • Fix issues with dragging groups and creating empty groups in the resources toolbar.
  • Commit changes to server when clicking on schematic elements.
  • Close windows on empty workspace.
  • Fix error when creating a channel that doesn’t exist.

Version 0.35

Nov 25, 2024

Breaking Changes

Table Component

Synnax version 0.35.0 introduces a new table component, fixes a few issues with the recently released LabJack driver, makes several improvements to schematic editing, and fixes a number of performance related bugs.

Table Component

The new console table component is a powerful tool for displaying and interacting with tabular data. Tables are particularly useful for displaying data from many different channels, and for displaying data that should be flagged for exceeding certain thresholds.

Schematic Improvements

New Symbols

10 new ISO compliant schematic symbols have been added to the symbol library: an ISO Check Valve, Cylinder, ISO Relief Valve, Angled ISO Relief Valve, ISO Burst Disk, ISO Cap, Vent, ISO Filter, Orifice Plate, and a T-Junction.

New Edge Types

To allow for greater clarity on complex schematics, edges can now have specific styles associated with their corresponding type. The currently available options are: Pipe (default), Electric Signal, Secondary, Jacketed, Hydraulic, Pneumatic, and Data Signal.

Label Improvements

Labels no longer cause elements to shift when their text is edited, and label alignment has been fixed to correctly justify the text of the label instead of the label itself around it’s symbol.

You can also now double click on a label to edit it’s text. Hit esc to cancel label editing.

The Q Command

When a symbol is selected, hitting the Q key will open a quick layout menu for the symbol. The rotation controls let you rotate the symbol, and the gray boxes allow you to drag the label or control chip of a symbol to a new location.

Color Picker now has Recent Colors

The console color picker now has a section that displays a hybrid of the ten most recently/frequently used colors. This makes it easier to pick consistent colors across your schematic.

Other Minor Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Reduced response times for configuring LabJack tasks.
  • Enable support for multiple OPC UA read tasks on a single OPC UA Server
  • Improved shutdown procedure for the Synnax server and embedded driver.
  • The light schematic symbol can now accept telemetry types beyond just boolean sources, and includes a threshold setting to trigger state changes

Breaking Changes

While this release does not introduce any backwards incompatible changes, the updated label alignment system may cause the edges of existing schematics to shift.


Version 0.34

Nov 13, 2024

No Breaking Changes

LabJack Support

Synnax version 0.34 introduces a built-in LabJack driver supporting all T-Series devices.

You can use a write task to control digital and analog outputs on the device, and a read task to acquire data from inputs.

Synnax currently only supports LabJack devices on Windows, although we plan to add support for other operating systems soon.

Taring Functionality

Both National Instruments and LabJack read tasks now support taring functionality. This feature allows you to zero out the current value of a read task.

Other Minor Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Improved schematic connection line pathing.
  • Implemented Python client support for configuring and running OPC UA read tasks.
  • Font sizes on a schematic value are now configurable.
  • Schematic values can now be displayed in scientific notation.

Breaking Changes

This release does not introduce any breaking changes.


Version 0.33

Nov 5, 2024

No Breaking Changes

Log Component

We’ve added a new log component to the Synnax Console that allows you to view channel data in a log format. This component can be connected to any channel, and is particularly useful for tracking the progress of control sequences and other automated hardware control processes.

Breaking Changes

This release does not introduce any breaking changes.


Version 0.32

Oct 9, 2024

No Breaking Changes

Multi-Device NI Analog Read Tasks


Synnax version 0.32 makes an improvement to National Instruments Analog Read tasks. The new version allows you to acquire data from multiple devices in a single task. This is useful in one of two scenarios:

  1. You have multiple devices and you want to acquire data from all of them synchronously.
  2. You have many different cards on a single chassis (e.g. cDAQ-9174) and you need to avoid hitting the maximum number of allowed tasks.

Instead of choosing the device at the top level of the task, you can now specify the device for each channel.

Breaking Changes

This release does not introduce any breaking changes. Previous NI analog read tasks will be migrated to the new format automatically.


Version 0.31

Oct 1, 2024

No Breaking Changes

User Registration & Access Control


User Registration & Access Control

Synnax version 0.31 introduces long awaited user registration and access control features. You can now register users via the command palette. Once registered, one of two permissions can be granted to a user: admin and schematic edit.

  • Admin users have the permission to perform any task, including registering, removing, and changing the permissions of other users.
  • Schematic edit defines whether a user is allowed to create and edit schematics.

These two permission sets are the first of many to come.

New Schematic Symbols

This release also introduces six new schematic symbols.

The label positions and wrap widths of all symbols can now be customized.

Breaking Changes

There are no breaking changes in this release.