Custom Device Driver
Learn how to create your own device drivers for Synnax.
While our pre-built drivers are great for the devices we support, you may need (or want) to integrate your own devices with Synnax. This guide will walk you through the process of building a reliable, performant driver using the Synnax Python client. We’ll use an Arduino as an example device, but the process is very similar for other devices.
We’ll split this guide into four sections:
- Setup and Installation
- Making a Read-Only Driver
- Making a Write-Only Driver
- Making a Read-Write Driver
Step 1 Setup and Installation
We’ll kick things off by downloading the Arduino IDE, starting a Synnax cluster, and installing the relevant Python packages to communicate with both the Arduino and Synnax.
Step 1.1 Downloading the Arduino IDE
The best way to get started with the Arduino is to download and run the Arduino IDE.
We’ll be using an Arduino Mega 2560 for this guide, but any Arduino board will work.
After you open the Arduino IDE, you’ll see a splash screen like this:
This is where we’ll add our Arduino code to communicate with Python, and, ultimately, Synnax.
Step 1.2 Installing Synnax
There are two components we need to install to get started with Synnax: the cluster and the console. The cluster is the central Synnax database that streams and permanently stores all of the data we collect from the Arduino. The console is a graphical interface for interacting with the cluster. It can be used to both visualize incoming data and send commands to the Arduino.
Step 1.2.1 The Cluster
The easiest way to install the cluster is using Docker. To run the latest version, you can use the following command:
docker run -d --name synnax -p 9090:9090 synnaxlabs/synnax:latest -i
The -d
flag tells Docker to run the container in the background. The -p 9090:9090
tells Docker to map port 9090 of the container to port 9090 on the host machine, and the
flag tells the container to run without encryption enabled. If you don’t completely
understand what this means, that’s totally ok.
To check that the container is running, you can use the following command:
docker ps
This should return something like the following:
6f9dc7d9b2ad synnaxlabs/synnax:latest "/synnax/synnax star…" About a minute ago Up About a minute>9090/tcp synnax
Step 1.2.2 The Console
Now that we have the cluster running, it’s time to download and run the Synnax Console.
Once you’ve downloaded the console, you can run it by finding the “Synnax” app in your start menu or launch pad. After it boots up, you’ll see a screen like this:
The next step is to connect the console to the cluster we just started. To do this, navigate to the clusters dropdown in the bottom left corner of the console, and click on the pre-populated “Local” option. You’ll see the chip on the bottom right corner switch to “connected” once the console has successfully connected to the cluster.
Step 1.2.3 Installing the Python Packages
There are two Python packages we need to install to get started with our custom driver:
the Synnax Python client, and the pyserial
To install the Synnax Python client, run:
pip install synnax
To install the pyserial
package, run:
pip install pyserial
We’re going to be installing these packages without a virtual environment, although you
are free to use one if you’d like. We’ll also be working in a file called
that we’ll put in a arduino-synnax
folder within our Desktop
directory. This location
is arbitrary, so you’re free to put it wherever you’d like.
Step 2 Read-Only Driver
Now that the setup is out of the way, it’s time to get started on the read-only driver. We’ll set up the Arduino to continuously read from an analog input and send the value over serial. Our Python script will capture each incoming value and write it to a channel in Synnax. This may sound complicated, but it’s actually going to total around 50 lines of code.
Step 2.1 Arduino Code
The first thing we need to do is get the Arduino prepped and ready to communicate over serial with our Python driver. Here’s the code we’ll write in the Arduino IDE:
// Analog pin to read the value
const int analogPin = A0;
void setup() {
// Set the baud rate to 9600 bps
void loop() {
// Read from the analog pin
float analogValue = analogRead(analogPin);
// Write to the serial bus
// Delay by 100ms, which means we'll roughly take measurements at 10Hz
This code will continuously read from the analog pin at 10Hz and send the value over serial. To start running the code, you can upload it to the Arduino by hitting the “upload” button in the top right corner of the Arduino IDE.
Step 2.2 Setting up the Serial Connection in Python
In our
script, we’ll import the serial
package and set up the serial
connection to the Arduino. To do this, we’ll need to know the port we’re using to
connect to the Arduino. You can find that in the top right corner of the Arduino IDE
when the Arduino is connected to your computer over USB. We’ll also need the baud rate,
which we set to 9600 in the Arduino code.
import serial
PORT = "/dev/ttyACM0"
BAUD_RATE = 9600
ser = serial.Serial(PORT, BAUD_RATE)
if ser.is_open:
print("Serial connection established")
print("Failed to establish serial connection")
To verify that everything works, we’ll run the script and see if the output indicates that the serial connection was established successfully.
# Output
Serial connection established
Step 2.3 Reading from the Arduino
To read from the Arduino, we’ll use the ser.readline()
method, which will read a line
from the serial port and return it as a string. We’ll then convert the string to a float
and store it in the value
value = float(ser.readline().decode("utf-8").rstrip())
To repeat this process continuously, we’ll modify our existing script to run in a loop.
import serial
PORT = "/dev/ttyACM0"
BAUD_RATE = 9600
ser = serial.Serial(PORT, BAUD_RATE)
while True:
value = float(ser.readline().decode("utf-8").rstrip())
This loop will continuously read from the Arduino and print the value to the console. That’s all we need to do for the Arduino, now it’s time to integrate it with Synnax.
Step 2.4 Setting up the Synnax Client
The next step to tackle is setting up the Synnax client to communicate with the cluster.
First, we’ll add an import for the synnax
package at the top of our file:
import synnax as sy
import serial
# ... rest of
Then, we’ll create a Client
instance to interact with the Synnax cluster.
# ..imports
client = sy.Synnax(
# ... rest of
Next, we need to create two channels in Synnax. Why two? For storing data, Synnax requires us to create an index channel. An index channel stores timestamps for the samples that we collect, and is used so that synnax can look up the samples in our data channels at a later time.
The second channel, a data channel, is used to store the samples themselves. This data
channel will be indexed by the timestamps stored in the first channel. We’ll name the
channels arduino_time
and arduino_value
# ... imports
client = sy.Synnax(
# ... connection parameters
index_channel = client.channels.create(
# Set is_index to True to create an index channel
# Tell Synnax that we'll be storing timestamps in this channel
# If a channel with this name already exists, Synnax will return it instead of
# creating a new one. This is useful if we restart the driver and want to keep the
# existing channels.
data_channel = client.channels.create(
# Set the index to the key of the index channel, so that "arduino_value" is indexed
# by "arduino_time"
# Tell Synnax that we'll be storing float32s in this channel
# If a channel with this name already exists, Synnax will return it instead of
# creating a new one. This is useful if we restart the driver and want to keep the
# existing channels.
# ... rest of
Step 2.5 Modifying the Loop to Write to Synnax
Now that we have our Synnax client and the relevant channels created, it’s time to
adjust our current loop to write to Synnax. The first thing we’ll do is open a new writer
to the arduino_time
and arduino_value
channels. Writers are the primary method for
writing data to Synnax, and are created by calling the open_writer
method on the
client we created.
# ... imports, client, channel creation, and serial connection
with client.open_writer(
# We need to provide a start time for the writer, which tells
# Synnax where to begin writing data. We'll use the current time.,
# The list of channels we'll be writing to.
channels=["arduino_time", "arduino_value"]
# Tell Synnax to immediately persist all recorded data for
# historical access.
) as writer:
while True:
# Read from the serial connection
value = float(ser.readline().decode("utf-8").rstrip())
# The timestamp of when the data was read
# The value read from the serial connection
"arduino_value": value,
Once we’ve finished these modifications, we can run the script and see the values pouring in from the Arduino. Here’s the entire script for reference:
import synnax as sy
import serial
PORT = "/dev/ttyACM0"
BAUD_RATE = 9600
# Create the Synnax client
client = sy.Synnax(
# Create the index channel
index_channel = client.channels.create(
# Create the data channel
data_channel = client.channels.create(
# Set up the serial connection
ser = serial.Serial(PORT, BAUD_RATE)
if ser.is_open:
print("Serial connection established")
print("Failed to establish serial connection")
# Open a writer and continuously read from the Arduino
with client.open_writer(,
channels=["arduino_time", "arduino_value"],
) as writer:
while True:
# Read from the serial connection
value = float(ser.readline().decode("utf-8").rstrip())
"arduino_value": value,
Step 2.6 Visualizing the Data
While the script is still running, we can switch back to the Synnax Console and set up a line plot to visualize the incoming data. To do this, we’ll:
- Hit the
button in the top right corner of the console’s central mosaic. - Select the “Line Plot” component.
- In visualization controls, choose the “Y1” axis and set the “Channel” to
. - In the “Ranges” section, choose the “Rolling 30s” range.
Here’s a video demonstrating the process:
Step 3 Write-Only Driver
Now that we’ve successfully read data from an analog input on the Arduino and written
it to Synnax, we’ll go the other way and receive commands from Synnax to control the
digital outputs on the Arduino. We’ll create this new driver in a file called
, although you’re free to write over the previous file if you’d like.
Step 3.1 Arduino Code
We’ll need to make new arduino code to receive commands over serial instead of sending data. Here’s the code we’ll write:
// Digital pin to control. We'll use the built in LED on pin 13, so that we can see the
// state of the pin without having to add an external component.
const int digitalPin = 13;
void setup() {
// Set the baud rate to 9600 bps
// Set the digital pin as an output
pinMode(digitalPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// Check if data is available to read
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
// Read the incoming byte
char command =;
// If the command is '1', turn the pin on
if (command == '1') {
digitalWrite(digitalPin, HIGH);
// If the command is '0', turn the pin off
else if (command == '0') {
digitalWrite(digitalPin, LOW);
// Small delay to prevent overwhelming the serial connection
As with the previous driver, we’ll need to upload this code to the Arduino and verify that it works.
Step 3.2 Setting up the Serial Connection in Python
We’ll follow a very similar process to the previous driver to set up the serial connection in Python. The only real difference is that we’ll be reading from the serial connection instead of writing to it.
import synnax as sy
import serial
PORT = "/dev/ttyACM0"
BAUD_RATE = 9600
ser = serial.Serial(PORT, BAUD_RATE)
Step 3.3 Creating the Relevant Synnax Channels
In the previous driver, we created two channels: arduino_time
and arduino_value
. In
this command scenario, we’ll only need to create one new channel: arduino_command
This channel will be used to send commands from Synnax to the Arduino.
# ... imports, client, and serial connection
# Create the command channel
command_channel = client.channels.create(
Step 3.4 Modifying the Loop to Write to Synnax
Our run loop in this scenario will be the exact opposite of the previous driver. Instead
of reading from the serial connection, we’ll be reading from the arduino_command
Instead of writing to Synnax, we’ll be writing to the serial connection.
# ... imports, client, serial connection, and channel creation
with client.open_streamer(["arduino_command"]) as streamer:
for frame in streamer:
# Read from the command channel
command = str(frame["arduino_command"][0])
# Write to the serial connection
And that’s it! We’ve now successfully created a write-only driver that can receive
commands from Synnax to control the digital output on the Arduino. We’ll run our updated
script before we move into setting up the console. Here’s the entire
script for reference:
import synnax as sy
import serial
PORT = "/dev/ttyACM0"
BAUD_RATE = 9600
ser = serial.Serial(PORT, BAUD_RATE)
client = sy.Synnax(
command_channel = client.channels.create(
with client.open_streamer(["arduino_command"]) as streamer:
for frame in streamer:
command = str(frame["arduino_command"][0])
Step 3.5 Controlling the Arduino from the Console
Now that we’ve uploaded the arduino code and started the Python script, we’ll set up the console with a switch on a schematic to control the digital output on the Arduino:
- Hit the
button in the top right corner of the console’s central mosaic. - Select the “Schematic” component.
- In the symbols library, we’ll drag a switch onto the schematic.
- In the “Properties” section, we’ll go to the “Telemetry” tab.
- We’ll set both the “State” and “Command” channels to
. - We’ll acquire control by hitting the “Acquire” button in the bottom right corner of the schematic.
- We’ll click the switch to turn the Arduino’s LED on and off, and see the state updated in the console.
Step 4 Read-Write Driver
You may have found it strange that we set the “State” and “Command” fields on the switch to the same channel. If that’s the case, then why are there two separate fields? That’s because there’s a more reliable way to set up command systems.
The command channel is what we send the enable/disable signal down when we click on the switch, while the state channel is what we actually use to determine whether the switch is on or off. For the sake of simplicity, we used the same channel for both.
The problem is that if we stop our driver and then click the switch, it will still turn on and off as if everything was ok. So we think we’re toggling on and off the switch, but we’re actually doing nothing.
The way to fix this is to create a new channel, called a state channel that will reflect the actual value of the switch. We’ll then use this state channel to toggle the switch in the console.
In this section, we’ll create a new driver that does three things:
- Receives commands from Synnax to control the digital output on the Arduino.
- Sends the state of the digital output back to Synnax.
- Sends data from an analog input on the Arduino to Synnax.
Step 4.1 Arduino Code
We’ll modify our previous Arduino code to both read and write over serial.
const int digitalPin = 13;
const int analogPin = A0;
void setup() {
pinMode(digitalPin, OUTPUT);
int state = 0;
void loop() {
// Check if we've received a command over serial
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
// Read the incoming byte
char command =;
// If the command is '1', turn the pin on
if (command == '1') {
digitalWrite(digitalPin, HIGH);
state = 1;
// If the command is '0', turn the pin off
else if (command == '0') {
digitalWrite(digitalPin, LOW);
state = 0;
float analogValue = analogRead(analogPin);
// Concatenate the state and analog value with a comma
String output = String(state) + "," + String(analogValue);
// Delay by 100ms, which means we'll roughly take measurements at 10Hz
Step 4.2 Modifying our Python Code
To incorporate the new functionality, we’ll need to modify our Python code to create
four channels: arduino_command
, arduino_state
, arduino_time
, and arduino_value
Both the arduino_state
and arduino_value
channels will be indexed by the arduino_time
channel, which we’ll use to timestamp both the states and values.
import synnax as sy
import serial
PORT = "/dev/ttyACM0"
BAUD_RATE = 9600
ser = serial.Serial(PORT, BAUD_RATE)
client = sy.Synnax(
arduino_command = client.channels.create(
arduino_time = client.channels.create(
arduino_state = client.channels.create(
arduino_value = client.channels.create(
Step 4.3 Modifying the Loop to Write to Synnax
We’ll need to modify our loop to read and write from both Synnax and the serial connection. To kick things off, we’ll open a streamer on the arduino command and a writer on the remaining three channels.
# ... imports, client, and channel creation
with client.open_streamer(["arduino_command"]) as streamer:
with client.open_writer(,
channels=["arduino_time", "arduino_state", "arduino_value"],
) as writer:
while True:
fr =
if fr is not None:
command = str(fr["arduino_command"][0])
data = ser.readline().decode("utf-8").rstrip()
if data:
split = data.split(",")
"arduino_state": int(split[0]),
"arduino_value": float(split[1]),
And that’s it! We’ve now successfully created a read-write driver that can both control
the digital output on the Arduino and read the analog input. We’ll run our updated script
before we move into setting up the console. Here’s the entire
script for reference:
import synnax as sy
import serial
PORT = "/dev/ttyACM0"
BAUD_RATE = 9600
ser = serial.Serial(PORT, BAUD_RATE)
client = sy.Synnax(
arduino_command = client.channels.create(
arduino_time = client.channels.create(
arduino_state = client.channels.create(
arduino_value = client.channels.create(
with client.open_streamer(["arduino_command"]) as streamer:
with client.open_writer(,
channels=["arduino_time", "arduino_state", "arduino_value"],
) as writer:
while True:
fr =
if fr is not None:
command = str(fr["arduino_command"][0])
data = ser.readline().decode("utf-8").rstrip()
if data:
split = data.split(",")
"arduino_state": int(split[0]),
"arduino_value": float(split[1]),
Step 4.4 Controlling the Arduino from the Console
As a final step, we’ll set up the console with both a switch to control the digital output and a plot to visualize the analog input.