Read Data

Use the TypeScript Client to read from a Synnax cluster.

The TypeScript client supports several different methods for reading data from a cluster. We can read directly from a channel, read from multiple channels at once, or use iterators to efficiently process large amounts of data.

Reading from a Channel

The simplest way to read data from Synnax is to use the read method on a Channel object:

const channel = await client.channels.retrieve("temperature");
const start = new Date("2023-02-12T12:30:00Z");
const end = new Date("2022-02-12T14:30:00Z");

const series = await, end);

The returned data is a MultiSeries, which maintains a very similar interface to a JavaScript typed array (e.g. Float32Array, Int32Array, etc.). We can convert the returned data to a JavaScript array easily:

const data = Array.from(series);

Reading from Multiple Channels

We can also read from multiple channels at once by calling the read method on the client. This method takes a list of channel names/keys and a time range:

import { TimeStamp } from "@synnaxlabs/pluto";

const start =;
const end = start.add(TimeStamp.seconds(10));
const frame = await{ start, end }, ["temperature", "humidity"]);

The returned data is a Frame object, which contains a MultiSeries for each channel. To access the data for a specific channel, we can use the get method:

const temperature = frame.get("temperature");
const humidity = frame.get("humidity");

Using Iterators

While the above methods will cover most use cases, there are situations where it’s necessary to query large volumes of data. Iterators provide a way to efficiently process data in chunks to avoid keeping large amounts of data in memory. By default, Synnax uses a chunk size of 100,000 samples. To configure a custom chunk size, set the chunk_size field in the options argument to the open_iterator method with the desired number of samples per iteration.

const start =;
const end = start.add(TimeStamp.seconds(10));

const iterator = await client.openIterator(
  { start, end },
  ["temperature", "humidity"],
    chunkSize: 100,
try {
  for await (const frame of iterator) {
    const temperature = frame.get("temperature");
    const humidity = frame.get("humidity");
    // Process the data
} finally {

It’s very important to close the iterator when you’re done with it to free up network resources. We highly recommend wrapping the iterator in a try...finally block to ensure that it’s closed properly in the event of an error.