
Manage teams with users.

If you are managing large teams in Synnax, you can register different user accounts. Each user can have different permissions, allowing you to block permissions for certain actions, such as editing schematics or registering users.

Registering Users

Users can be added with the “Register a User” command from the command palette in the top of the console. The palette can be opened by pressing + + P (Windows) / + + P (macOS).

Afterwards, users can log in to Synnax using the username and password that was registered for them.

Editing Permissions

To change a user’s permissions, find the user’s username in the resources toolbar on the left-hand side of the screen. Right-click the user and select “Edit Permissions”.

You can give users the following permissions:

  • Admin: Admin users can manage other users, including registering users and setting permissions for them.
  • Schematics Edit: Users with this permission can create and edit schematics. If a user does not have this permission, they will be able to control symbols on the schematic, but will not be able to add symbols or change the schematic layout.